Snow Storm Software
666 Clock 666 Clock
Transform your iPhone or iPod Touch into a 666 inspired Clock

If you love Halloween and all things ghoulishly fun, you will love this 666 inspired clock. An animated fiery spiral 666 represents the time. Simple to use, each 6 represents hours, minutes and seconds, with the fire expanding to envelop the entire 6 when full. Dock it at the office, or home for continuous use, or just use it for a quick look.

And, since you can, the display will stay upright no matter which way you rotate it. Tilt your device and this clock uses the accelerometer to stay upright, turn on its side, and the clock is now landscape, it follows you.

What time do you think these two clocks are displaying? If you say noon/midnight and the other 2:20 you would be right.


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